
How Omega-3 Fish Oil Affects Your Brain and Mental Health?

The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are critical for normal brain function and development throughout all stages of life. EPA and DHA seem to have important roles in the developing baby’s brain. In fact, several studies have correlated pregnant women’s fish intake or fish oil use with higher scores for their children on tests of intelligence and brain function in early childhood. These fatty acids are also vital for the maintenance of normal brain function throughout life. They are abundant in the cell membranes of brain cells, preserving cell membrane health and facilitating communication between brain cells. When animals are fed diets without omega-3 fatty acids, the amount of DHA in their brains decreases, and they tend to experience deficits in learning and memory. In older adults, lower levels of DHA in the blood have been associated with smaller brain size, a sign of accelerated brain aging .

Fish oil supplements, especially those that contain higher amounts of EPA, may improve depressive symptoms in people with depression. They appear to have the greatest effects in those who are already taking antidepressant medications. People with depression or a mild decline in brain function could consider taking 1,000–2,000 mg of omega-3s from fish oil daily.


How is a loss of appetite treated?

  • Eating small meals regularly throughout the day.. 
  • Managing any illnesses, infections or underlying conditions.
  • Taking medications to stimulate your appetite like low-dose corticosteroids, cyproheptadine, megestrol and dronabinol.
  • Receiving IV nutrients which are liquid vitamins and minerals that you receive through a needle into your vein.

What are types of insomnia?

There are two main ways that experts use to put insomnia into categories:

  • Time: Experts classify insomnia as acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). The chronic form is known as insomnia disorder.
  • Cause: Primary insomnia means it happens on its own. Secondary insomnia means it’s a symptom of another condition or circumstance.
  • Both the acute and chronic forms of insomnia are very common. Roughly, 1 in 3 adults worldwide have insomnia symptoms, and about 10% of adults meet the criteria for insomnia disorder

What is osteomalacia?

Osteomalacia means "soft bones." Osteomalacia is a disease that weakens bones and can cause them to break more easily. It is a disorder of decreased mineralization, which results in bone breaking down faster than it can re-form. It is a condition that occurs in adults. In children, inadequate concentrations of vitamin D na calcium cause rickets.

    Symptoms and Causes
  • Osteomalacia develops most commonly due to a vitamin D and calcium deficiency (often from not getting enough sunlight), or less frequently, due to a digestive or kidney disorder. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and for maintaining bone health. These disorders can interfere with the body's ability to absorb vitamins. There are also rare genetic conditions that can cause osteomalacia.
  • symptoms of osteomalacia
  • The most common symptoms of osteomalacia are pain in the bones and hips, bone fractures, and muscle weakness. Patients can also have difficulty walking.
  • Management and Treatment
  • Patients who have osteomalacia can take vitamin D, calcium supplements, depending on the individual case. For instance, people with intestinal malabsorption (the intestines cannot absorb nutrients or vitamins properly) may need to take larger quantities of vitamin D and calcium.